mold inspection phoenix az

Mold Inspection Services in Phoenix, AZ and all other parts of the state

There has been a dramatic increase in media coverage across the country concerning mold. As a result, mold has become a serious risk management problem for REALTORS and HOME OWNERS.

Mold causes health reactions including sinus troubles, headaches, body aches, flu-like symptoms and irritation of the eyes, nose and throat. In extreme cases, asthma, scarred lungs and neurological disorders have been seen. Mold also can cause structural problems in homes.

By using a building inspector who can identify mold problems, you protect yourself and your company from future liability and your clients from future health problems.

Some mold problems are obvious because they are seen. In this case, swab testing should be done to determine the type of mold. Sometimes mold problems are not so obvious. Mold can be found underneath wall paper and baseboards, behind walls, or other areas you can't see, such as the ducts of a heating/cooling system. In these cases the only way to know if mold spores are present is to conduct air sampling to detect the presence of these spores in the building/home.

Our inspector is trained to look for mold problems and offer sampling for mold along with any of our other inspections. If you would like to have me explain more about this and other pertinent issues, Please call me at 480-589-7971.