

What is Mold and why does it matter?

Mold is part of the natural environment. In nature, mold plays an important part by breaking down dead organic matter such as fallen trees. However, mold growth is less common indoors. Mold reproduces by producing tiny spores. The spores are invisible to the naked eye and travel through outdoor and indoor air. Mold may begin growing indoors when a source of water present. Mold growth on surfaces may commonly appear as black, grey, green, or olive discoloration and more rarely white, yellow or other colors.

If indoor mold contamination is extensive, it can cause very high and persistent airborne spore exposures People exposed to high spore levels can become sensitized and develop allergies or other health problems. Mold growth can damage furnishings, such as carpets, cabinets, clothes, and shoes. In time, unchecked mold growth can cause significant damage to the structural elements in your home. (CA Dept. of Health Services).

What is a Mold Investigation?

A good mold investigation begins with a through visual inspection of the building. (home). The visual inspection should include the attic, crawl space, and HVAC system. Any stains, discoloration, or signs of moisture intrusion, as well as around items such as dishwashers, and other appliances that may be sources of moisture should also be investigated. Taking samples of the air and or surfaces are sometimes helpful to provide a better assessment. For example, surface samples of discoloration can determine if they are mold growth or not. Air samples can help identify whether there is hidden mold growth or sources within walls that lead to human exposure in the home. The use of qualified experienced investigators and laboratories help lead to accurate, cost effective, and useful conclusions and recommendations.

Both the buyer and seller can benefit from a mold inspection.

Is a Mold Investigation necessary?

No. Real estate deals are often broken by fear and worry. A mold inspection facilitates an honest assessment and evaluation of the property. Consequently it enables both the buyer and the seller to close a real estate transaction with less uncertainty and fear. It can provide confidence, smooth the transaction, and help both parties feel good about the sale. The buyer has greater confidence that there are no hidden problems that will result in expensive repairs, adversely affect their health, and/or decrease the value of the new home. The seller can show that their home has no hidden moisture problems, and that this is an open and honest transaction.

Won’t it break the Real Estate deal?

No. Real estate deals are often broken by fear and worry. An honest, open and accurate mold investigation alleviates fear and worry so that a fair and satisfactory transaction may occur for all parties. If mold is found, this may mean that there was a source of moisture that enabled this growth. In this case, water problems should be repaired. During repairs, any mold found should be removed.